Our family saga unfolds across four generations, originating in the quaint town of Shengci in Jiangsu province. Today, the Liu family has expanded its roots globally, with members residing in Hong Kong, the US, the UK, and Australia.
The Liu Guojun Virtual Museum stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Liu Guojun. Founded by his grandson and great-granddaughter, our mission is to safeguard his artifacts for future generations. We hold dear the values of preservation, education, accessibility, and connectivity, which serve as our guiding principles.
Our Mission
Our virtual museum serves as a digital sanctuary for the preservation and protection of items from physical deterioration over time.
Our aim is to honor the enduring legacies of Liu Guojun and provide insights into the cultural practices, traditions, and historical contexts intertwined with items.
Through carefully curated online exhibitions, we aim to share the unique stories and anecdotes behind each item, fostering a deep appreciation for our collective history.
We aspire to make our website readily accessible to relatives worldwide, encouraging family members to actively contribute and collaborate in the collective endeavor of preserving our family's rich history.
We strive to create an inclusive platform for scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts to share insightful academic research and writings. These contributions aim to enhance our understanding of Liu Guojun's significant influence on art, entrepreneurship, and society as a whole.
Our mission is to strike a balance between preserving time-honored traditions and adapting to new technologies, ensuring that our family's heritage remains relevant, vibrant, and accessible for future generations.
Our main challenge lies in consolidating Liu Guojun’s extensive collection and meticulously cataloging each item. Though we’ve made strides in digitizing some pieces, there’s still work to be done, ensuring accurate metadata for specific items. In our dedication to enhancing accessibility and understanding, we’re also translating Chinese text into English, with a special focus on Liu Guojun’s diaries. Stay tuned as we advance towards making all our digitized pieces available online.