Seal Script Couplet《篆书通联》
Zhao Hengguang (赵宧光)
Zhao Huanguang, also known as the Commoner and the Water Minister, was a highly respected Chinese scholar and native of Taicang in southern Zhili. Despite being descended from the Song royal family, he never pursued an official career. Along with his wife Lu Qing, he studied ancient texts, excelled in poetry and essays, and became masters of calligraphy, particularly in seal script. They were both well-known during their time.
Zhao Huanguang’s focus was on the composition of square and straight seal characters, which featured majestic changes. He used this as a foundation to showcase his unique style of fast seal script writing, which was characterized by calmness and joy. One of his famous interpretations reads: “The heart of the soul is full of the moon on the three rivers, and the colored pens are stacked into five-color clouds.”
赵宦光(1559~1625),字凡夫,一字水臣,号广平,南直隶太仓(今江苏太仓)人,国学生。赵宦光为宋王室后裔,却一生不仕,只以高士名冠吴中,偕妻陆卿隐于寒山,读书稽古,精六书,工诗文,擅书法,尤精篆书,夫妇皆有名于时。 此作以隶法作方整篆字,雄奇变化,赵宦光是依此为根基,发挥其沉着痛快的特点,将篆书快写形成了独特的风格。释文“灵心圆啖三江月,彩笔叠成五色云”。